Rock County, Minnesota Barn Quilts List
– Oct 10, 2024
Number County Name Owner Verif GPS Description
MN-67-01 Rock Pig Luverne Livestock Auction 07-2024 N43 38.934 W96 12.497 In Luverne. Fletcher St. E. 0.15 miles from jct with US75, S. on Freeman Av. 0.1 miles, E. on Cedar St. 120 yds, S. 100 yds to the quilt on the E. side of the road.
MN-67-02   Cow Luverne Livestock Auction 07-2024 N43 38.946 W96 12.496 In Luverne. Fletcher St. E. 0.15 miles from jct with US75, S. on Freeman Av. 0.1 miles, E. on Cedar St. 120 yds, S. 200’ to the quilt on the E. side of the road.
MN-67-03   Sheep Luverne Livestock Auction 07-2024 N43 38.944 W96 12.496 Same as MN-67-02.